sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011
1. Look for information about (a few words and lot of images please):

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen (1815-1898), known as Otto vonBismarck, was a statesman, bureaucratic, military, political and German prose writer,considered the founder of modern German state.
After being appointed prime minister of Prussia, launched a major military reform thatallowed him to have a powerful army to carry out their plans of unification. In this way,managed to wrest from many countries.

David Livingstone (1813-1873), was a physician, Scottish explorer and missionary, and a major figure in the history of exploration: established, with astronomical observations,the right situations and reporting of zoology, botany and geology. Therefore, in Victorian England was considered a national hero.

The Suez Canal is an artificial satellite navigation that connects the Mediterranean withthe Red Sea between Africa and Asia, across the Isthmus of Suez, the Sinai Peninsula.The channel is in Egyptian territory.
Its length is 163 km from Port Said (on the Mediterranean coast) and Suez (the Red Sea coast). Allowed to reduce the maritime trade route between Europe and SouthAsia, it avoided having to go around the African continent.

  2- Listen this song, what are they talking about?

Talk about colonialism, about Columbus and Livingstone, what they wanted and whatthey found.

3- Visit the page of British Lybrary that permit you to read old newspapers, select one, for example, The News of the world, and look for news about colonialism, for example in 1886. Choose one and write a brief comment (summarysing and explaining it).

This article talks about a market for Indian products, which were in Hyde Park in Londonin May 1886. 

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