sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011
1.Mention some laws achieved by workers in England improving their work conditions.
The workers wanted to strike to improve their working conditions and ultimately succeeded, 8 hours working day, increase their wages and improved conditions.

2.What happened the first of May?
There were many demonstrations demanding because workers work fewer hours. At the days is the Labour Day.

3.Look for information about the suffragettes. Who was Emily Davison?
Women's suffrage, women have the right to vote and stand as candidates. Also used toexpand the rights of women.

Emily Wilding Davison (1872-1913), was a militant women's suffrage activist. She was arrested and imprisoned for various offences. She went on hunger strike in Strangeways Prison and was force-fed. In Holloway prison, she threw herself down an iron staircase as a protest.

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