1)Join Columns

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

1. Bens e mercadorías-goods and commodities- merchandise or possessions freight. A raw material or agricultural product that can be bought and sold.

2. Recursos naturais e materias primas- natural resources and raw materials- the things we use that are provided in the natural environment e. g. water, minerals, fuels, soil and so on.

3. Beneficio- profit- a financial gain, especially the difference between an initial outlay and the subsequent amount earned.

4. Servizos- services- activities that do not produce or modify goods, they include education, health care, transport, tourism…

5. Hipoteca- mortgage- a legal agreement by which a person takes out a loan using as security real property (usually a house which is being purchased).

6. Accion- share- any of the equal parts into which a company’s capital is divided, entitling the holder to a proportion of the profits.

7. Globalización- globalization- It can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together.

8. Producto Interior Bruto (PIB)- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)- the total summed value of the output in a country for a year.

9. Bolsa- stock exchange- a market in which shares are bought and sold.

10.Oferta- supply- organization of workers who have banded together to improve working conditions.

11. Deslocalización- Relocation- move to a new place and establish factories or businesses there.

12. Paro- unemployment- the number or proportion of unemployed people.

13.Sindicatos- trade unions- the number or proportion of unemployed people.

14.Demanda- demand- the desire of buyers to purchase goods or services.

2) Join More Columns

1.Fontes renovables- renewable resources- flows or living things which are either never-ending or grow quickly enough that their use does not lead to exhaustion.

2.Traballo a tempo parcial- part-time work- a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job. Part-time workers commonly work fewer than 30 or 35 hours a week.

3.Fontes non renovables - non-renewable resources- resources which are replaced slower than the rate at which they are used and they can be exhausted in a short period of time e.g. coal.

4.Inflación – inflation- a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

5.Deflación- deflation- reduction of the general level of prices in an economy.

6.Países desenvolvidos -More economically development countries (MEDCs)- Western Europe, North America, Japan and Australia

7.Países subdesenvolvidos- Less economically development countries (LEDCs)- - poor countries, especially in Africa, South America and Asia.

8.Novos países industriais- Newly industrialising countries (NICs)- countries that have undergone rapid industrialisation since the 1960s. The term is most commonly applied to the four 'Asian tigers' of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, but this is becoming out of date, and today we can include China and India.

9.Renta per cápita- per capita income- how much each individual receives, in monetary terms, of the yearly income generated in the country.

10.Balanza de pagamentos- balance of payments (BOP)- payments that flow between any individual country and all other countries.

11.Débeda-debt- a sum of money owed.

MaPa fIsIcO gAlEgO!!

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Mapa fisico mundial!



It rains very little. The temperatures are very low, the high mas come to them 5ºC.


It rains very little. The temperatures are very low come to them 45ºC and the high mas to them 15ºC.


Miad winters, mild summers.
Low annual temperature range.
Heavy cloud cover; high humidity. 


The rainfalls are not variants. The temperatures are very low in the winter come to them-10ºC and in the summer they come to them 25ºC.


It rains very little, only in the winter. The temepraturas are not very variants.


It rains duarnte all the year round, many mas in January and December. The temperatures are very high in the summer.


It rains very little, almost at all. The temperatras are very high and in the very low nights.


Heavy rain season; short dry season.
Highest temperature just before rainy period.


It rains during the summer, in August it rains 500 liters per square meter, in the months January, February, March, April and December it does not rain at all.  
The temepraturas are high on the 20-25 ºC.


It rains very much all the year round, in the months August and June it rains 90 liters per square meter. Discharges temepraturas all the year round, they go down in the winter months.

MiNhO RiVeR!!

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

Name: Minho
Location: Pedregal de Irima, Lugo.
Source: Ourense
Mouth: Atlantic Ocean
Flow facts: Is the longest river in Galicia, with an extension of 340 km. This one placed in the northwest of the Iberian peninsula. His principal tributary is the Sil river.

Climograph 3.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

This climograma is for the Humid Subtropical. It rains very much all the year round and the temperatures only rise in the summer.

Climograph 2.

This climograma is of the Mediterranean one because it rains very little in July and August. In the summers there are high temperatures.

Climograph 1.

This climograma is of the climate of a desert. The temperature is very high and rains very little.


Hurricane Mitch was the most powerful hurricane of the 1998 Atlantic hurricane season, with maximum sustained winds of 180 mph (285 km/h). The storm was the thirteenth tropical storm, ninth hurricane, and third major hurricane of the season. At the time, Hurricane Mitch was the strongest Atlantic hurricane observed in the month of October, though it has since been surpassed by Hurricane Wilma of the 2005 season. The hurricane matched the fourth most intense Atlantic hurricane on record (it has since dropped to seventh).
Mitch formed in the western Caribbean Sea on October 22, and after drifting through extremely favorable conditions, it rapidly strengthened to peak at Category 5 status, the highest possible rating on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. After drifting southwestward and weakening, the hurricane hit Honduras as a minimal hurricane. It drifted through Central America, reformed in the Bay of Campeche, and ultimately struck Florida as a strong tropical storm.
Due to its slow motion from October 29 to November 3, Hurricane Mitch dropped historic amounts of rainfall in HondurasGuatemala, and Nicaragua, with unofficial reports of up to 75 inches (1900 mm). Deaths due to catastrophic flooding made it the second deadliest Atlantic hurricane in history; nearly 11,000 people were killed with over 11,000 left missing by the end of 1998. 2.7 million were left homeless or missing in all. The flooding caused extreme damage, estimated at over $5 billion (1998 USD, $6.5 billion 2008 USD).

World map!!xD

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Furacán Katrina!!

Furacán Katrina foi un gran furacán, unha tempestade tropical que alcanzou o nivel 5 da Escala de Furacáns Saffir-Simpson no verán de 2005.
Os ventos do furacán alcanzaron máis de 280 quilómetros por hora, e causaron grandes prexuízos na rexión litoral do sur dos Estados Unidos, especialmente arredor da rexión metropolitana de New Orleans, o 29 de agosto de 2005 onde máis dun millón de persoas foron evacuadas. O furacán xa pasou polo sur da Florida, causando en torno de 2.000 millóns de dólares en danos e causando 6 mortes directas.
O furacán Katrina causou aproximadamente 1000 mortes, ata o 31 de agosto de 2005, sendo un dos furacáns máis destructivos que ten chegado aos Estados Unidos. O furacán paralizou moita da extracción de petróleo e gas natural americano, pois unha boa parte do petróleo americano estraise do Golfo do México. Durante uns meses, cinco millóns de persoas estiveron sen electricidade na rexión da Costa do Golfo.
Duración:23-30 de agosto de 2005
Ventos máximos:280km/h ( durante 1 minuto)
Presión mínima:902hPa
Danos: $81.2 mil millones (2005 USD), $89.6 mil millones (2009 USD)
Falecementos: 1836 confirmados e 705 desaparecidos.
Áreas afectadas: Bahamas, Sur de FloridaCuba,LuisianaMisisipiAlabama, noroeste de Florida,        este de América del Norte.

Photo of the Ue!

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

The Weather forecast for Spain

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

Sunday 25/10/2009
Cloudy throughout Spain, in the middle is sunshine, rain in the northwest and southwest and the northeast is sunny with little rain.

Monday 26/10/2009
Sunny and cloudy. For this quite sunny and for the cloudy west.

The European Union!

Vendo estés datos da tabla podemos dicir que o pais mais grande da UE e Francia con 674,843km cadrados, e o mais pequeno é Malta con 316km cadrados. En riqueza o que mais gaña e Luxemburgo que sen embargo e un dos mais pequenos, o mais pobre e Romania con $9,291.
En poblacion gaña Alemaña e o que menos é Malta, en densidade case sempre son os mais pequenos o que gaña e Malta con1,298km cadrados o que menos e Suecia con 20,6 km cadrados.
O 1º paises en entrar na UE  foron Francia,Alemaña,Belxica... os ultimos foron Bulgaria e Romania.